As I write this, the morning after Election Day, it’s a few hours until “The View” is broadcast. And while I would no doubt experience a schadenfreude overload watching the harridans harpies ladies of “The View” squirm in reaction to Donald Trump’s decisive victory, I will have to forgo that guilty pleasure; I have other things to do today.
I’m confident, however, than I can predict what that gaggle of gorgons will be saying. And, even if we don’t hear it from them, I’m sure the following talking points will be spewed over the next several days by those who are so thoroughly infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome that they’ve made it their life’s work to try to infect the rest of us.
Trump’s victory, we will surely be told, is proof positive that the United States of America is still racist to its very core, still dominated by white males who cannot countenance a non-white person, let alone a woman of color, as its leader.
We’ve heard post-election analyses of how Latinos tended to vote for Trump, contrary to how the Democrat regime expected them to vote. We haven’t heard much about Blacks voting for Trump, because that notion is even more at odds with the preferred Democrat narrative. Remember that Joe Biden spelled it out: “If you can’t figure out [that you’re expected to vote Democrat], then you ain’t really Black.”
I’ve said for years that a backlash of Conservative Black Americans might be the only thing that could save this country.
One person I thought might lead that march, and my own first choice for president, before Trump demonstrated that he could garner votes from all corners and from folks who had never before voted Republican, was Col. Allen West. I’d still like to see him attain his potential as a national leader. And I have high regard for Winsome Sears, a former U.S. Marine and current Lt. Gov. of Virginia who could be our real First Black Female President, except that she was born in Jamaica, and is therefore not qualified (But Hey, we twice elected a guy who couldn’t really prove that he wasn’t born in Kenya, so maybe that’s not insurmountable).
And while the number of Blacks who have wised up and voted Conservative may still not quite constitute a full-scale march off the Democrat plantation, I’m sure their numbers are far higher than anyone on the Left would care to admit. (The number of my fellow Jews who have wised up politically is also significant, but still falls short of what it should be.)
So if the termagants shrews ladies of “The View” (and all those media-types who spew similar horseshit) acknowledge such Black Trump voters at all, I’m sure they’ll snidely tell us that Trump certainly got the Uncle Tom vote!
About that ill-informed, uneducated expression: the very notion of using “Uncle Tom” as a pejorative has always been a particular peeve of mine. People who sneeringly utter the term to describe Blacks who dare to stray into Conservative territory are clearly indicating that they have never actually read Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel, because Uncle Tom was clearly a hero who dedicated himself to the betterment of his fellow slaves.
Those who have actually read the book know that, rather than “acting white” just to curry favor with his slavemasters and work in “the big house,” Uncle Tom learned to read from cast off books and in turn taught his fellow slaves to read. He also learned skills like carpentry that he shared with his fellow slaves. And he ultimately sacrificed himself for his fellow slaves, being whipped to death by Simon Legree (who has properly become eponymous with a cruel slavemaster) for refusing to divulge the hiding place of runaway slaves.
It might interest you to know that Harriet Beecher Stowe based her Uncle Tom character on an actual person, Josiah Henson, whose real life was probably even more heroic than the character he inspired. And Matthew Henson, the explorer who accompanied Admiral Peary on seven arctic expeditions and may have been the first person to stand on the North Pole, may have been a descendant of Josiah Henson.
I expect we will also be treated to some disparaging remarks about the Electoral College. And those who utter such criticism will be blind to the irony that they are the very same people who are always advocating for a “leveling of the playing field,” when that is precisely what the Electoral College is designed (in our Founders’ great wisdom) to do, and which it accomplishes.
Another irony that goes largely unnoticed is that those who lament that we are in danger of losing our democracy fail to grasp the distinction that the USA is not a democracy, but a constitutional republic; a democracy is really nothing more than majority rule, what Benjamin Franklin described as “two wolves and a lamb voting on what’s for dinner.” The lamb gets out-voted every time.
If we were truly a democracy, and if we were as truly racist to our very core, as the fishwives ladies of “The View” and their ilk purport us to be, why wouldn’t we simply vote to reinstate slavery?
Of course, I could be wrong. Maybe the ladies of “The View” (and their fellow propagandists media colleagues) will graciously acknowledge and accept Trump’s victory and what it portends for America: a rejection of the Leftist agenda that has turned commonsense on its ear (telling us, among other things, that men can be women!) and had us teetering on the edge of a Socialist/Marxist/Fascist/Stalinist tyranny.
Maybe they’ll get onboard with energy independence, border integrity, support for Israel and an end to bankrolling Iran and other terrorist states, less government regulation in our lives, and a renewed respect for our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Not to mention actually judging people, not by identity politics, but by the content of their character!
Riiigghhtt!! As my maternal grandfather would say, “‘Never happen!”
But if the election proves anything, it’s that, no matter how incorrigible and unreconstructed these Trump-hating, America-hating race-baiters may be, we outnumber ‘em!
Probably your best ever. Keep ‘em coming!!!
I can’t impress enough that just sending does not do enough and your online presence needs more exposure. I distribute and gets lots of praise for your writing but does not translate always to “likes”. Don’t give up