[Note to Readers: I’ve been warned that I express my opinions too strongly, and that I risk “offending” people. However, given how very few people even read what I write (out of more than 300 subscribers, only a mere handful bother to click on “Like,” and even fewer post Comments), my response to such warnings has to be, “DILLIGAF?”]
Sept. 3, 2024
The news is full of reports of Israelis, and now Americans and others, taking to the streets in the wake of six hostages being held in Gaza since October 7, 2023 having been found murdered. The protestors are claiming that “not enough is being done” to free the hostages, and that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu bears responsibility for the hostages’ deaths, and the Mainstream Media are (predictably) echoing those talking points.
WTF is wrong with these people?? These protestors are useful idiots at best, and at worst are appeasers or even Hamas sympathizers; in the case of the Mainstream Media, I have no doubt they are Hamas sympathizers!
If anything, this latest discovery of slain hostages only confirms just how brutal and inhuman our enemy is; if Israelis (or Jews anywhere, or any civilized persons) are spontaneously taking to the streets, it should be to demand that Israel stop pussyfooting around and smash its enemies with an iron fist (the way any other nation so attacked would surely do).
Anything less will only show weakness and ultimately encourage more hostage-taking and worse. What part of “There is no negotiating with terrorists” do they not understand?
And forgive me for stating what should be obvious, but those hostages were not being held under house arrest at The Ritz. It’s highly likely that they were tortured every day, and not to make them reveal information, but because their captors are adherents of a death cult whose “god” smiles on sadism and bloodlust (and that’s just one indicator of how FUBAR their Religion of Peace™ actually is).
By the way, where are the pathologists' reports on the bodies of the hostages that have been recovered? Why aren't those reports in the headlines? Would the details be too graphic? We already know of Israeli women who, on Oct. 7, were literally raped to death after watching their infants beheaded or thrown into ovens; what sort of unspeakable horrors have been perpetrated on those taken captive by the same savages and held for almost a year?
And yet the protestors wail that Netanyahu “has blood on his hands” for “not doing enough” to free the hostages; “enough” would presumably be to concede to demands for a cease-fire (never mind that the Oct. 7 massacres were committed during a cease-fire!) and the greater demands of a “two-state solution” and other concessions that would surely surrender Israel’s sovereignty, safety and survival.
It’s notable that much of the sloganeering against Netanyahu exhibits the same kind of snideness that we see against Trump. Israel is infested with Liberals just as the U.S. is, and even having their loved ones taken hostage, tortured and slain doesn’t change their own version of Trump Derangement Syndrome; their contempt for Netanyahu is palpable; it comes to them more easily than contempt for the unspeakable evil of the Jew-hating death-worshippers.
And the resemblance of the rhetoric used against both Trump and Netanyahu makes one question just how “spontaneous” these protests actually are!
There is precedence in fairly recent history for the folly of appeasement; it is in British PM Neville Chamberlain’s attempt to achieve “peace in our time” and appease Hitler’s belligerence by surrendering Poland. It didn’t slow down the Nazi war-and-murder machine, but it did make Chamberlain’s name synonymous with appeasement.
Would it be a stretch to imagine that those taken hostage on Oct. 7, given what they’ve been subjected to, might actually yearn for death in preference to Israel striking a suicidal bargain for their release?
How many would, if they could, call in an IDF airstrike on the very venues where they were being held, especially if it meant, along with their own destruction, the destruction of their captors and those who support and enable Hamas?
There is precedent in ancient history for such sacrifice; I’m thinking of the story of Samson.
What did Samson do, when he was betrayed by Delilah and taken prisoner by the Philistines? Did he grovel? Did he offer appeasement? Did he negotiate?
By the way, Samson was held, and met his end, in Gaza! The Philistines had gouged out his eyes and blinded him, but he asked for his hands to be guided to the pillars supporting the temple where he was bound and held, and he prayed for God to restore, for just a moment, his enormous strength.
And Samson declared “Let me die along with the Philistines!”, whereupon he brought down the temple upon himself, his captors, and the jeering crowds, killing more of them with his own death than he had in all his time as a warrior!
Sure, it’s easy for me to say this; I’m not a victim nor a hostage. But I don’t have to be one to see the big picture, and anything short of obliterating the enemy will only increase the odds of all of us one day being killed, taken hostage, tortured and murdered by these savage, inhuman death worshippers.
“Ooh, we can’t take any more of this, let’s make a deal with the throat-cutters and baby-killers so our loved ones will be released!” Sure, that’ll work out just swell! That’s how to deal with an enemy whose biggest dream is to see all of us beheaded! [Do I need a big neon sign here that says “May contain sarcasm”???]
My sister was nice enough to point out an error in the e-mail version, which I have corrected here. If you care to quote or share this essay, kindly use the web version.
I agree with you, Stu, and wish that the Israeli government would act like Samson and take out the Philistines that still infest Gaza.