Jul 23Liked by Stu Tarlowe

You've outdone yourself. Laughing and crying in Spokane. (Please don't tell these to your coworkers.)

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Jul 22Liked by Stu Tarlowe

Just call me tasteless and insensitive because I laughed at every single truth…oops, I mean joke.

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Thanks for your comment! As you can see, it makes you a member of a very exclusive club.

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A vote for Biden, is one less vote for Nixon! 🤣

Lol OLOLO you had so many funny ones in this one I can’t count them all! Beginning with the snide comments that you only ‘repeat’ things OTHERS have said… you would never tell a bad joke or distasteful joke as in the above…no, no, not YOU!!! Lollololol that was hilarious enough on its own! Adore your sense of humor, just excellent! I like John Cleese’s sense of humor as well … And Doc Martin’s…

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