Great points, Stu!!… I was very much looking forward to your critique… And I think you picked apart the pair’s parlay perfectly…
I could not bear to watch more than 2 minutes of that malicious, mangy Muir nor smirky, smarmy Kam allah, the odiferous one… the two are traitors absolutely.
I also forgive dear President Trump; he probably had very little sleep the night before (more than likely due to the FBI & CIA bombarding his abode with beams of all EMF types as well as other secret spy frequencies, etc.)… they murdered Ivana and made it look like she ‘fell down the stairs’!! (Ivana was a professional athlete/EXTREMELY coordinated!) and then, 2 weeks later, while all her beloved children were in deep mourning (along with President Trump who still held a deep spot in his heart for her), the FBI swooped into Maralago!!! I would love to see a timeline of all the attacks and ‘happenings’ to the entire Trump family, in consecutive order…
My goodness, the Trump family IS STRONG!!! every single one of them!! Ivana did a beautiful job! (Read her book, it’s well written).I knew that ‘debate’ would be an orchestrated show… Hillary probably gave kamallah 🧕🏼 the questions…🤥
Thank you, Ellen, for the kind words. And Congratulations, for being the only one out of 318 people who cared to post a Comment! (That's really not true; I seriously doubt that anywhere near 318 people even bothered to read it, considering that only 6 even Liked it!)
Great points, Stu!!… I was very much looking forward to your critique… And I think you picked apart the pair’s parlay perfectly…
I could not bear to watch more than 2 minutes of that malicious, mangy Muir nor smirky, smarmy Kam allah, the odiferous one… the two are traitors absolutely.
I also forgive dear President Trump; he probably had very little sleep the night before (more than likely due to the FBI & CIA bombarding his abode with beams of all EMF types as well as other secret spy frequencies, etc.)… they murdered Ivana and made it look like she ‘fell down the stairs’!! (Ivana was a professional athlete/EXTREMELY coordinated!) and then, 2 weeks later, while all her beloved children were in deep mourning (along with President Trump who still held a deep spot in his heart for her), the FBI swooped into Maralago!!! I would love to see a timeline of all the attacks and ‘happenings’ to the entire Trump family, in consecutive order…
My goodness, the Trump family IS STRONG!!! every single one of them!! Ivana did a beautiful job! (Read her book, it’s well written).I knew that ‘debate’ would be an orchestrated show… Hillary probably gave kamallah 🧕🏼 the questions…🤥
One of your best, Stu! Very well written, and especially the last paragraph! Well worth the read! Thank you!
Thank you, Ellen, for the kind words. And Congratulations, for being the only one out of 318 people who cared to post a Comment! (That's really not true; I seriously doubt that anywhere near 318 people even bothered to read it, considering that only 6 even Liked it!)