LG has made a fortune singing “And I’d gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today, ‘cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land — God bless the U.S.A.!” ..... REALLY?!?! I'm calling that Bull****!
He's just another COWARD, along with McLean, Gatlin and too many other lame musicians and celebrities, condemning GUNS and blaming the NRA rather than the people who commit murder. I refuse to acknowledge them, their work or their virtue signalling ..... it is definitely 'The day "their" music died!'
"The day THEIR music died"!! 'Great angle on Don McLean and his classic; I wish I'd thought of that! It really breaks my heart to see these guys' true colors!
Thnx! Indeed it is disappointing to see their true colors. Like so many others they make a great living, enjoy a comfortable existence and popularity in America. And yet, had there been NO SHOOTING they would gladly have taken the NRA's money and performed for all of us "deplorables" while acting like REAL patriots and Second Amendment defenders! I don't know how they can live with themselves ..... regardless I can certainly live without them! "Bye, Bye, Mr UnAmerican Pie" :-)
BTW ..... thnx for the Historical refernces to and comments by Tench Coxe and Thomas Paine. I became aware of Tench Coxe from a previous article of yours and I'd never seen the comment by Thomas Paine of "summer soldier and sunshine patriot" before.
'Glad to have you aboard, and I'm pleased that I can contribute to your knowledge. I learned about Tench Coxe on my own, but Thomas Paine was required reading for me, probably back in the 5th Grade or so!
LG has made a fortune singing “And I’d gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today, ‘cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land — God bless the U.S.A.!” ..... REALLY?!?! I'm calling that Bull****!
He's just another COWARD, along with McLean, Gatlin and too many other lame musicians and celebrities, condemning GUNS and blaming the NRA rather than the people who commit murder. I refuse to acknowledge them, their work or their virtue signalling ..... it is definitely 'The day "their" music died!'
"The day THEIR music died"!! 'Great angle on Don McLean and his classic; I wish I'd thought of that! It really breaks my heart to see these guys' true colors!
Thnx! Indeed it is disappointing to see their true colors. Like so many others they make a great living, enjoy a comfortable existence and popularity in America. And yet, had there been NO SHOOTING they would gladly have taken the NRA's money and performed for all of us "deplorables" while acting like REAL patriots and Second Amendment defenders! I don't know how they can live with themselves ..... regardless I can certainly live without them! "Bye, Bye, Mr UnAmerican Pie" :-)
BTW ..... thnx for the Historical refernces to and comments by Tench Coxe and Thomas Paine. I became aware of Tench Coxe from a previous article of yours and I'd never seen the comment by Thomas Paine of "summer soldier and sunshine patriot" before.
'Glad to have you aboard, and I'm pleased that I can contribute to your knowledge. I learned about Tench Coxe on my own, but Thomas Paine was required reading for me, probably back in the 5th Grade or so!