
Readers: Didja spot my error? In the penultimate paragraph, I used the phrase "took a heavy toll" twice. Not to worry; I turned it over to the Dept. of Redundancy Dept. (!) and it's now corrected on the website version (but not before it had gone out via e-mail).

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Well, there are numerous things working here that folks are ignoring. Here is one: https://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/as-world-war-3-escalates-get-ready-for-a-terrifying-breakdown-of-our-food-and-energy-systems/

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So much of what is reported is propaganda. For instance, that Putin is angry about the slow pace of the invasion. Who would be able to see and know that, and would tell others.

Looks to me like the entire invasion is created to seem to stall, with the effect that Ukraine forces appear to push back the Russians. The purpose is to have the Ukraine forces moving forward, pushing Russians back, when the Russians can come with their main attack catching the Ukraine troops away from their population centers. The Russians can then kill off most of of the Ukraine troops without further destroying population centers.

I hope the Ukraine leadership does not fall for the Russian plan, which would be a true catastrophe.

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