Jun 10Liked by Stu Tarlowe

Excellent comparison to the “some people did something“… that brush-off statement always infuriates me! I don’t think she would be so flippantly casual if ‘some people did something’ to her or HER family…

I did not know ANY of that about Entebbe, nor that Netanyahu’s older brother was killed in the highly successful raid. Thank you for all the wonderful education you packed into that email!

War is HELL everywhere, and it appears to be heading to a theatre very near US!!

Where is Miss America when we need her most? (“…world peace”…). Oh, that’s right, they stole the election… 🤔, so Miss America’s been gagged and shoved in a closet, soon to be a jail cell…

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Speaking of "journalists" and wondering whose side they are on, reports today, this appearing in Breitbart, say the three male hostages that were rescued had been held by Abdallah Aljamal, a “journalist” who contributed to the Palestine Chronicle and Al Jazeera. From another source, the female hostage had been held by an Al Jazeera photographer.

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10Author

Yup, American Thinker reported on this. But will you hear anything about it from the Mainstream press? Of course not!

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