Dear Stu, you have a great sense of humor and I really enjoy your writings.


Eva (Laurie K's friend)

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Well, thanks for the kind words. But even if you really mean them, you are in a very distinct minority. This latest piece was posted some three days ago; it went out to 291 people, only 37% of whom even saw fit to open it. And in those three days, a grand total of 7 people (of whom you are one) were moved to click "Like," and only 1 person (again, you) was moved to offer a Comment. So, much as I appreciate you and those 6 others, for all intents and purposes I might as well be talking to myself. Like the old song, "🎵I'm gonna sit right down and write myself a letter... 🎶," I'll accomplish about as much as I accomplish posting these essays.

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